What is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?
Age With Attitude
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If you would like more information please contact us at: 416-916-6728 or by email at: [email protected]
In memory of Elizabeth Podnieks
Elizabeth Smith Macdonald Podnieks, EdD, MES, BSN, was a visionary who brought boundless passion to advocate for—and with—older people. Dr. Podnieks founded the Ontario Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, and co-founded the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.
Dr. Podnieks established World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) in 2006, and since 2011, June 15 has been recognized as WEAAD by the U.N. General Assembly.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario will join communities locally, regionally, nationally and across the world to heighten awareness of elder abuse. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) focuses our attention on the need for all of us, to take responsibility in preventing elder abuse.
WEAAD was launched June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. WEAAD also supports the United Nations International Plan of Action that acknowledges the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. Since its inception, communities around the world used this day as an opportunity to raise awareness of elder abuse and neglect of older persons, by sharing information about the facts of elder abuse, the rights of older persons and promote resources and services to support seniors’ safety and well-being.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario in collaboration with local Elder Abuse Networks, organizations and businesses will be planning WEAAD activities across the province to mobilize community action. Activities range from educational workshops and senior fairs, proclamations to community walks, all in an effort to create awareness of elder abuse and engage people in discussions on how to promote dignity and respect of older adults.
Join us on June 15 in our movement to change attitudes and behaviours to stop abuse of older adults. Check the Social Media/ Templates and Planning Ideas sections of the website to promote your WEAAD events and get ideas on how you can get involved.
For more information on the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day National Campaign, visit : www.weaad.ca
Background to WEAAD
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario will join communities locally, regionally, nationally and across the world to heighten awareness of elder abuse. World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) focuses our attention on the need for all of us, to take responsibility in preventing elder abuse.
WEAAD was launched June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and the World Health Organization at the United Nations. WEAAD also supports the United Nations International Plan of Action that acknowledges the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue. Since its inception, communities around the world used this day as an opportunity to raise awareness of elder abuse and neglect of older persons, by sharing information about the facts of elder abuse, the rights of older persons and promote resources and services to support seniors’ safety and well-being.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario in collaboration with local Elder Abuse Networks, organizations and businesses will be planning WEAAD activities across the province to mobilize community action. Activities range from educational workshops and senior fairs, proclamations to community walks, all in an effort to create awareness of elder abuse and engage people in discussions on how to promote dignity and respect of older adults.
Join us on June 15 in our movement to change attitudes and behaviours to stop abuse of older adults. Check the Social Media/ Templates and Planning Ideas sections of the website to promote your WEAAD events and get ideas on how you can get involved.
For more information on the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day National Campaign, visit : www.weaad.ca
Social Media/Templates
You can play a role in helping to spread the word about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Using social media is an excellent way to engage our community around this important and timely subject.
EAPO and CNPEA have developed a WEAAD Social Media Guide to help you promote #WEAAD2024 on social media. The Guide includes tips on using social media, and sample posts you can use (just cut and paste!). We have also developed some visual assets that you can share on social media.
Shareable Social Media Cards
Download the WEAAD Social Media Cards (general) | WEAAD Social Media Cards (bOLD campaign)
Customizable Templates
EAPO has created templates to assist individuals in preparing and planning their WEAAD events. Please feel free to adapt to meet the needs of your community.
Resources are available to download as Word Document or Pdf :
Media Press Release
Municipal Proclamation
WEAAD Certificate of Recognition (Pdf Version)
WEAAD Bookmarks
Bookmark 1: WEAAD bookmark + calendar (PDF)
Bookmark 2: WEAAD bookmark 2 + calendar (PDF)
WEAAD Quiz: What do you know about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day?
Ideas for Raising Awareness on June 15th
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario encourages everyone to participate in helping to raise awareness about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. A variety of events and activities can be planned by organizations and individuals alike. Below are examples of ideas and activities to organize for WEAAD.
We also encourage you to Register Your Event Here.
- Wear Purple
- Visit a senior in a Long Term-Care Home, Retirement Home or in community
- Learn the facts on elder abuse.
- Host a Virtual Presentation focused on recognizing the signs of abuse, prevention tips and local community support services.
- Host a webinar or virtual training online, invite politicians, survivors of elder abuse, or field experts to speak.
- Create a poster/flyer on elder abuse to post in local business and organizations
- Invite a senior to speak to youth to promote intergeneration connections
- Ask local leaders, the Mayor, MP, MPP to Proclaim June 15 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
- Send Letter to local Politicians
- Post WEAAD Logo images on your website, social media, blogs, or add to email signature block, to draw awareness to WEAAD.
- Re-Post WEAAD Posters created by the Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario and CNPEA on social media and use hashtag #AgeWithAttitude #WEAAD2024
- Engage the Local Media to write a story or highlight the current work the local community is doing to address elder abuse.
- Send a press release, or submit an Editorial to discuss elder abuse issues and a call for action.
- Develop Public Service Announcements for local TV or radio stations.
- Be a guest speaker on a local radio show to discuss key issues affecting older adults.
We look forward to commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2024 with you!
WEAAD 2024 National Virtual Event

We invite individuals of all ages to join our National WEAAD Virtual event on June 12th, 2024 from 12:30 – 2:00 pm.
We all have a role to play in protecting the rights of older people. There are a few easy ways you can participate in WEAAD, joining the movement to end elder abuse in Canada once and for all. No matter where you live in Canada, you can be part of this shared journey to create a safe and supportive society.
Secure your seat now, as space is limited, and share widely with your networks!
Webinar provided with ASL, LSQ and French Interpreters.
Spreading Awareness
Spreading awareness of the prevention of elder abuse is a key part of WEAAD. During this campaign, on WEAAD.ca, you’ll have the chance to:
- Share pre-written social media posts about elder abuse and promoting our WEAAD campaign (watch out for those coming soon!).
- Share strong pre-written messages of support for seniors’ human rights. These are the “human rights statements” outlined above, and will be posted on the WEAAD.ca website. All you need to do is click on each message to share them across your social networks!
- Use #WEAAD2024 on Twitter to share how you and your organization are taking action to end elder abuse every day.
- Download and use our posters to show your support of seniors’ rights. Share them on Twitter and Instagram with #WEAAD2024.
- Share stories from elder abuse survivors and their caregivers, giving power to their experiences.
Visit the WEAAD Website
Visit the official WEAAD website www.WEAAD.ca. This page serves as the central hub of our campaign, and contains everything you need to get informed and get engaged.
On this site, you’ll find:
- Registration for a free, exciting and interactive National online event featuring a panel of Canadian experts and thoughtful leaders on elder abuse and issues affecting older persons. This webinar will be an inspiring “Fire Side Chat Conversation” that will educate and empower you to join the movement to uphold and protect the rights of older persons everywhere.
- Elder abuse statistics in Canada.
- Social media messages and graphics to share on speaking out on ageism and the rights of older Canadians.
- Downloadable Social Media Images to share with a senior and others in your community to promote human rights of older. persons.
Speak Out
Sign your name in support
Add your name to the growing list of people who are taking a stand against elder abuse in Canada. You’ll receive updates and important news on WEAAD and related topics.
You’ll also be joining a national network of engaged and concerned citizens who stand in solidarity with older people.
This powerful action is free, easy and will create long-lasting change for the rights and well-being of aging Canadians.
National Campaign
This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, EAPO, in partnership with the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA), CanAge, PEAM, AEAAC, FARFO, SeniorsNL, RPMAFO and BC CRN British Columbia Community are teaming up to create a national conversation around elder abuse prevention.
We invite individuals of all ages to join us in reminding the world that “Age With Attitude” and become a Champion of elder abuse prevention by Pledging to stand up for the rights of older people.
We all have a role to play in protecting the rights of older people. No matter where you live in Canada, you can be part of this shared journey to create a safe and supportive society.
We encourage individuals, organizations, and government to take the PLEDGE to create social change to combat ageism and elder abuse in your community (and beyond)!
You can find the pledges on our WEAAD website here and simply check off the actions you plan to take this year. Select as many as you like! The actions are grouped under headings based on your role within your community, so select your role and get started!
This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, I pledge to:
Citizens, Advocates
- Work with my community to make elder abuse a top priority
- Learn to recognize signs of elder abuse
- Learn how to respond to elder abuse and refer seniors for help
Organizations, Leaders
- Include ageism in my workplace’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion practices
- Provide professional development to staff on ageism and elder abuse
Government Officials and Policy Makers
- Make my community age-friendly
- Invest in elder abuse prevention
These pledge actions are taken from Future Us: A Roadmap to Elder Abuse Prevention, published by CNPEA in March 2022. This community engagement strategy is the result of extensive pan-Canadian consultation and collaboration and will be rolled out across Canada. Future Us charts a clear path forward to protecting the human rights of older people in Canada.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario along with local Elder Abuse Networks, organizations and businesses will be planning WEAAD activities across the province to mobilize community action in how each of us can take a role toward elder abuse prevention. Activities range from educational workshops, senior fairs, proclamations to community walks, all in an effort to create awareness of elder abuse and engage people in discussions on how to promote dignity and respect of older adults.
Below is a snapshot of events that are being planned to recognize WEAAD in communities across Ontario. Have a look to see what is happening in your area! We encourage you to engage in activities, whether in-person or virtually, to become involved in the social movement to prevent the abuse of older persons.
WEAAD 2023
View WEAAD Webinar 2023 recording here
This webinar was the main event of WEAAD 2023.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario in partnership with the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA), CanAge and British Columbia Community Response Networks (BCCRN) hosted a National Virtual WEAAD Event”, Rights Don’t Get Old”” on June 15th for a national conversation around elder abuse prevention. Experts from across Canada shared their roles and experience sparking social change to advocate for senior’s rights and combat ageism in all facets of society.
This National WEAAD event brought together a panel of experts, political figures, advocates and community members for an inspiring discussion about how we, as a country, can end elder abuse and protect the rights of older people.
Register Your WEAAD Event
Are you planning a WEAAD event? Fill out the form below and we will add it to our WEAAD Calendar.
Every person is needed on this journey to create a movement of social change in Ontario to stop abuse and neglect of older adults! Share your plans and activities on how you will be celebrating WEAAD.
View the Calendar to see what other people are doing across Ontario to promote WEAAD and what activities you can participate in!
Also visit EAPO on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram to find current events, resources, and stimulating topic conversations surrounding elder abuse. Remember use hashtags #WEAAD2024 #AgeWithAttitude #EAPO.
By submitting this form, you acknowledge that your WEAAD event information will be posted on this website on the Event Calendar, including the event name, date, time, location, organization, and the details provided in the “Description” box above.
All submissions are subject to approval by Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario prior to posting. Reference in this website to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, or company does not constitute its endorsement nor recommendation by Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario or the Ontario Government. This list is not intended to be used as a way to promote, sell, or advertise products or services in any way.
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