Podcast : Aging Vibrantly. Conversations to Empower Seniors

Welcome to our Podcast, Aging Vibrantly: Conversations to Empower Seniors,
the show where we amplify the voices of seniors.

Join Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, and special guests as they share insights on topics of aging, abuse prevention including ageism, powers of attorney, seniors’ rights, frauds and scams, the importance of intergenerational connections, and having supportive conversations… and more! Each episode features an older adult who will impart their expertise and wisdom, to enhance our understanding of aging and living a full, safe and fulfilling life with respect and dignity.

Funded by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.


 Senior Advisory Committee

The podcast was created with the support of a Senior Advisory Committee with members from across Canada. Members play a vital role in support the creation of the podcast, including co-hosting episodes, identifying themes and leaders to interview, recommend interview questions, provide feedback on podcast branding/marketing materials and assist in promoting the Podcast to seniors, provincial and regional network members, community partners and agencies.

Learn more about the members here.

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Episode 1 :

Part 1 : Rebelling Against #Ageism with Guest, Ashton Applewhite

In this inaugural episode, our guest, Ashton Applewhite, joins us for a lively discussion on Rebelling Against Ageism!

In Part 1 of our Rebelling Against Ageism Series, Ashton impartes her insights on defining ageism, its prevalence, impact and where it shows up in our lives from health, policy, and intergenerational dialogue. We learn to check our assumptions, and do our own self reflection of internal ageism. Ashton informs us of the challenges that lie ahead and to reframe how we Think, Feel and Act toward aging to dismantle the negative attitudes and behaviours. She welcomes people of all ages to learn about ageism and how to break down the barriers.

Ashton is an internationally recognized expert on ageism, and the author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism.

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Episode 2 :

Part 2 : Rebelling Against #Ageism with Guest, Ashton Applewhite

In Episode 2 of our Rebelling Against Ageism Series,  our guest Ashton Applewhite dives into how we internalize aging and explore the connection between ageism and elder abuse, tips for encouraging intergenerational conversations on aging  and her advocacy work as co-founder the Old School Hub, and success stories of Ageism Campaigns, including Ageism Awareness Day, that are growing the conversation and resulting in positive changes in the social movement to dismantle ageism and embrace a world of all ages.

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Episode 3 :

Supportive Conversations

In Episode 3, our guest Margaret MacPherson, speaks on having Supportive Conversations with older adults in your family or community who you may be concerned about regarding their safety and well-being, or living at-risk of harm.  Listen to learn about “SNCit”, a three step conversation framework that will inform and empower you to have supportive conversations and strategies on how to overcome the hesitation to ask questions and what to say when someone does not want help.

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Episode 4 :

Power of Attorney for Property: Best Practices and Practical Consideration

People often think they don’t need to have a Power of Attorney for Property, but in fact everyone should consider having one, especially when they are still capable of expressing their wishes.

In this episode, Power of Attorney for Property: Best Practices and Practical Considerations, our guest Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO of CanAge, engages with us in a lighthearted, yet serious discussion, on what you need to know about making a Power of Attorney (PoA).

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Épisode 5 :

Procuration – Considérations pratiques

Les gens pensent souvent qu’ils n’ont pas besoin d’une procuration; ils estiment que cela ne concerne que les personnes âgées. Pourtant, tout le monde devrait envisager d’en avoir une, surtout lorsqu’on est encore capable d’exprimer ses souhaits.

Nous allons discuter de ce qu’est une procuration, de ce qu’il faut savoir pour en choisir une, des rôles, responsabilités et obligations, des protections que vous pouvez mettre en place pour vous protéger, ainsi que des options à envisager si l’agent désigné n’agit pas dans votre meilleur intérêt.

À noter, chaque province et territoire dispose de législations spécifiques en matière de procuration. Aujourd’hui nous allons nous focaliser sur l’Ontario mais nous vous encourageons à vous renseigner sur votre propre juridiction si vous résidez ailleurs. 


Me Jaëlle Bain, est une avocate bilingue du Centre d’information juridique de l’Ontario.

Me Kayla Cardinal Lafrance, est une avocate bilingue du Centre d’information juridique de l’Ontario.​

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Episode 6 :

How to Recognize and Prevent Elder Abuse

In this episode, our guest Dr. Gloria Gutman, a pioneer in the work of elder abuse prevention, provides us with a better understanding of elder abuse, how to look for warning signs, who is at risk, and actions we can all take to take to prevent and safeguard against abuse as well shares her insights on what is being done in Canada to raise awareness of this important health and social issue.

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Episode 7 :

Coping with Grief and Loss in Later Life

Our guest Jennifer McCrae is a Credentialed Thanatologist, Certified Grief and Loss Specialist and End of Life Doula. We will talk about grief responses, healthy and unhealthy grieving as well as caring for yourself, caregivers and others as you move through loss and grieving.

In this episode you will learn :

·       How grief is a natural response to any loss

·       What is complicated grief?

·       The difference between functional/healthy grief and complicated/unhealthy grief

·       Understanding causes and recognising symptoms of complicated grief

·       Strategies for families/groups to communicate effectively during grief

·       What is anticipatory grief and how can it manifest?

·       How do we take care of others and ourselves during grief, especially if we are the caregiver?

·       If someone is feeling alone in their grief, where can they seek support?

·       Taking care of yourself while grieving

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