Project Timeline: November 14 – 20, 2021
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO) is pleased to be participating and hosting community events as part of the Annual Victims and Survivors of Crime Week.
This annual event held across Canada, raises awareness about the issues facing victims and survivors of crime and puts a spotlight on the services, assistance, and laws in place to help victims, survivors, and their families. Throughout Canada, countless courageous professionals, and volunteers, work tirelessly to empower victims and survivors of crime and their families, through trauma-informed and victim-centered approaches and strongly advocate on their behalf to be able to deliver effective supports.
This year, EAPO will be undertaking a number of initiatives to highlight the importance of the power of collaboration in communities everywhere.
The initiatives include:
1. Creating a social media campaign and videos to dispel the myths/stereotypes associated with victimization of older adults. Shining a spotlight on community partnerships, supports and service options in responding to elder abuse.
2. Hosting virtual webinars to bring awareness of the victimization older adults, and support service providers to build their resiliency and self-care to continue to help those experiencing abuse.
3. Hosting a virtual Recognition and Awards Ceremony showcasing the contributions of dedicated volunteers from Elder Abuse Networks in Ontario who have supported education and prevention initiatives, and strengthened outreach efforts to enhance the response and assistance to families and older adults living at-risk or experiencing abuse.
The project is funded by the Department of Justice Canada.
Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children (CREVAWC), the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and Elder Abuse Networks in Ontario.
2nd Annual Volunteer Recognition Awards were given out to members of Elder Abuse Prevention Network in Ontario. EAPO recognized the following individuals for their outstanding contributions and work:
- Myrna Adams, Brampton Senior Citizens Council
- Tammy Brydon, Haliburton Kawartha Lakes Elder Abuse Prevention Network
- Joanne Christian, Elder Abuse London Middlesex
- Jennifer McDonnell, Durham Elder Abuse Network
- Jane Rowan, North York Elder Abuse Network
- Susan Douglas, Prevention of Senior Abuse Network Simcoe County
- Susan Steels, Prevention of Elder Abuse Committee of York Region
A complete overview of the recipients outstanding contributions can be viewed below:
90-second animated videos were developed to dispel the myths/stereotypes associated with victimization and highlights the power of collaborations when supporting older adult victims of abuse.