Protecting Rights of Residents in Long-term Care : Their Right to be Safe and Secure
Keynote speaker, Jane Meadus, Barrister & Solicitor, Institutional Advocate for the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, provides a
comprehensive overview of the Legal Rights of Residents residing in Long-term Care Homes. With the devastating impacts of COVID-19 affecting residents, this topic is timely as there are still many uncertainties and questions. Public awareness is focused on trying to understand the changing rules around issues within Long-term care such as visitation restrictions and requirements, and capacity assessments that impact the decisions about residents’ care.
This webinar focused on addressing some of these questions and shed light on a number of important topics:
- Powers of Attorney for Personal Care
- Rights to access for families and caregivers to see loved ones in LTC Homes
- Who are Essential Visitors and what does it mean to be one?
- Requirements of LTC Homes to provide PPEs
- Decision making for a LTC resident isolated due to COVID-19 restrictions. What
can family members do to ensure care needs are being met? - Advocating for residents as part of Advanced Planning
- Understanding the complexities of the MoHLTC Compliance/Investigations process.
- How complaints are handled and enforced, both pre and during COVID-19.
- Getting capacity assessments during the pandemic when families feel the senior is
at-risk and not capable of making informed decision about self-care. - Understanding Trespass Orders in LTC, when are they invoked and are they