EAPO in partnership with ABC Life Literacy Canada hosted a webinar to provide older adults with  basic banking information, including setting up accounts, cashing cheques, and tips to secure financial transactions.


Christina Genua, TD Bank in Human Resources as a Senior HR Advice Partner


ABC Life Literacy

ABC Connect for Learning


Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-916-6728    Toll-Free : 1-833-916-6728
Website:  www.eapon.ca


EAPO Resources

Protecting Senior’s Finances –Practical Tips When Banking




Resource Fact Sheets from ABC Financial Literacy Canada

Money Matters resources are for use at home and in workshops and activities that are also free for participants. The program listed below as well as additional courses and information can be found at : https://abcmoneymatters.ca/resources/

Money Matters Workbooks

Money Matters for People with Diverse Abilities Workbooks

Money Matters for People with Diverse Abilities Activities

Money Matters for Indigenous Peoples Workbooks