Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario, in collaboration with Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA) marked International Day of Older Persons (October 1st) with an online panel discussion focused on “Diverse Approaches to Safety and Well-being of Older Adults”, featuring older women who are leaders and advocates in their community.

Speaker Panel included:

Pink Angel, Advocate and Activist, Toronto
Belinda Lacombe, Regional Mentor, British Columbia’s Community Resource Network
Marilyn Brown, Regional Mentor, British Columbia’s Community Resource Network
Chantelle Harriott, Toronto Grace Health Centre, Assess and Restore Social Worker and Social Worker in the Remote Care Monitoring Program

Presentation Materials

PowerPoint Presentation 

Resources Materials


This Tool Kit, hosted by the City of Toronto’s Seniors Services and Long-Term Care (SSLTC) division, was designed to advance respectful, inclusive and affirming care for 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors. The toolkit focuses on building individual knowledge and skills among SSLTC staff and other service providers in the delivery of support to 2SLGBTQI+ seniors and building organizational capacity among SSLTC and other seniors support organizations in the creation of inclusive environments for 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors. The resource is intended for any and all service providers and care partners working to support 2SLGBTQI+ Seniors.

Magical Backyard Medicines (Facebook)

The project has been developed on the traditional territories of the Wet’su’we’ten and Gitxsan peoples who have been stewards of the land for time immemorial. The traditional plant knowledge and expertise presented are rooted in and overseen by Ross McRae (Fire Squirrel Chaser) and Lorraine Half (Baby Skin) from the Gitxsan Territories.

Magical backyard medicines rests in an ‘all my relations’ way of connection to life and land. In times of pandemic social isolation can be a leading cause of risk for those living on the margins who are already at risk for neglect, abuse and self-neglect. This project encourages participants to connect with their other relatives (plant relatives) by harvesting and transforming plants into oils, toners, salves and syrups while engaging with others who are doing the same on our Facebook page (Magical Backyard Medicines). Each suggested plant can be found in your backyard or neighborhood.  Download Magical Backyard Medicines Tool

Free online education courses (certificate available by fee):

Paid Courses:

San’Yas Anti-racism Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Program
San’yas offers online training and consultation services to people and groups across Canada. They support several organizations in their work to uproot anti-Indigenous racism and enhance Indigenous cultural safety. In 2013, Indigenous leaders and educators in Ontario partnered with San’yas to develop Ontario-specific online training courses. They continue to offer a range of courses in Ontario.

Indigenous and Canadian Histories 101
Curious about Indigenous cultures and histories? Want a deeper dive into important court cases and legislation that define Indigenous-Crown relations in B.C. today? After watching this video, you’ll be more equipped to take part in truth and reconciliation efforts. Sarah Robinson, principal at Rainwatch Advising, explores the side of history often left out of textbooks. 45 minute session, $55 per person.

