Ageism is a unique form of discrimination in that it can be relevant to all of us as we keep moving fromone age group to another. It is also complex as it can be expressed in hostile but also subtle ways.

EAPO in partnership with CNPEA co-hosted this event to provided a better understanding of how ageism is conveyed in the Canadian public discourse and address the social and economic impact of ageism on older adults. To do so, findings of a series of empirical studies conducted over the last three years were presented and discussed. These studies show the prevalence of compassionate ageism in the public discourse (especially during the Covid-19 pandemic) and restates the cost of ageism from a psychosocial and economic perspective.

Finally, the session explored ways of countering ageism, namely through intergenerational contact.


Martine Lagacé
Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion & Development at the University of Ottawa / vice-rectrice associée à la promotion et au développement de la recherche en août 2018 pour un mandat de cinq ans

Resources from Webinar


An Examination of the Social and Economic Impacts of Ageism
March 2020

Examen des répercussions sociales et économiques de l’âgisme
Février 2022

Testing the Shielding Effect of Intergenerational Contact against Ageism in the Workplace: A Canadian Study
Research Paper – April 2022


2021 Global Report on Ageism by World Health Organization

A case study on ageism during the COVID-19 pandemic
February 2022


EAPO’s Resources

 Provincial Directory Elder Abuse Support and Response Service Organizations

 Help and Support for Older Adults Facing Abuse
English    French

Starting the Conversation HOW TO ASK ABOUT ABUSE
English    French


Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse

CNPEA connects people and organizations, foster the exchange of reliable information, and advance program and policy development on issues related to preventing the abuse of older adults. They do this work at the local, regional, provincial/territorial, and national levels.


LINKages facilitates innovative intergenerational programs and services that encourage involvement, transfer of knowledge, and capitalize on the strengths of youth and seniors to foster strong Alberta communities.

Canada HomeShare Program

Canada HomeShare™ is an intergenerational housing solution. We work to match older adult home providers with students to create mutually beneficial living solutions. Our work aims to support aging in place for older adults while providing safe and affordable housing solutions for post-secondary students.