Wrinkles Listening Learning and Preventing Elder Abuse – “Mishoo miinwaa Noki ~ You, Me and Wrinkles”
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario in collaboration with Sheatre and the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, will present a webinar about, “Mishoo miinwaa Noki ~ You, Me and Wrinkles” (aka Wrinkles), a new 12-part Elder Abuse Prevention Podcast series.
Wrinkles is an innovative platform designed to break the silence around elder abuse and difficult situations. It ignites conversations and provides an opportunity for chats about elder abuse to begin, grow and evolve in your own community. Sheatre invites people to not only “listen” and “learn” about this important issue, but also to act to protect the safety and well-being of older adults.
Sheatre’s presenters will share their insights and lived experiences from the perspective of Indigenous people. Participants will hear a Podcast excerpt from the audio drama that illustrates the domestic abuse and neglect seniors can face. (Listener discretion is advised.) As well, they’ll hear an excerpt of a post-show discussion.
An overview of Wrinkles’ format will show how integrating community-created drama with a post-show discussion promotes the sharing of essential insights, resources and strategies between elders, community members of all ages, and service providers.
The session will discuss the process of how the community worked together to create this unique program. It will powerfully demonstrate the importance of hearing authentic voices of older adults as they tell true stories of their experiences. You will hear how one story sparks a cascade of knowledge sharing – and can inspire listeners to bring elder abuse out of the shadows and normalize talking about it.
Sheatre’s members will also discuss how you can easily use this program in your community to recognize, prevent abuse and support people in your own area.
For more information Contact the Sheatre Team at: [email protected]
Sheatre Company
Wrinkles Podcast:
Ye Canna Throw Yer Granny Off a Bus!
A play about prevention and response to the abuse of older adults