In recent years, there has been an increase in domestic homicides and homicide/suicides among older couples. We CAN take steps toward prevention. With training, community members and health care providers can learn to recognize the warning signs and indications of escalating risk, how to respond safely and effectively, and when to refer to domestic violence professionals. Everyone has a role to play in creating safe, supportive and inclusive communities. The key to success, is working together across all sectors and communities to achieve a common goal of prevention. Margaret MacPherson discussed the gendered nature of violence and abuse for older couples and the intersection with systemic ageism. Tracey Marshall presented on the evolution, strengths and weaknesses of violence risk assessment tools, including the B-SAFER risk assessment tool which is relevant for older couples. Taken together, their ideas pointed to the value of coordinating and consolidating our prevention efforts and in working together to push for equity at all levels of society. Margaret MacPherson, Research Associate, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, Western University and Tracey Marshall, President, Threat Management Matters Inc.