If Not You, Who? Advance Care Planning Day
April 16th is Advance Care Planning Day
If Not You, Who?
Who would you trust to make your healthcare decisions?
Planning for your future healthcare needs is important. So, we’re asking: Do you know what would happen if you couldn’t decide for yourself? Who would you trust to make those healthcare decisions for you?
You have the power to choose who that person is. They can be a family member, a friend, or anyone in your life that you trust to make the kinds of healthcare decisions you would want.
Think about who you would trust with making those important decisions for you.
Think about what matters most in your life and how that might help guide someone in making the kinds of healthcare decisions you would want.
The best time to think about this is now when you can make decisions for yourself. We have useful guides to help you along the way.
April 16th is Advance Care Planning Day. So, ask yourself: If not you, who?
Do you know what would happen if you couldn’t decide for yourself? Who would you trust to make those healthcare decisions for you?
ACP Day 2024 Campaign Materials
Here’s some tools and resources to help our provincial partners and organizations plan for ACP Day.
ACP Day: If Not You, Who? Campaign Kit
ACP Day Events Across Canada
Reflection Prompts
The Article originally Appeared at: https://www.advancecareplanning.ca/acpday/