EAPO was delighted to host our 1st virtual provincial conference, Amplifying our Collective Voices: Rights Don’t Get Old.

The conference focused on raising awareness and uniting stakeholders to strengthen our messages on the prevention of elder abuse, combating ageism and promoting the rights of older persons, through taking collective action to create change attitudes and behaviours towards aging. The conference program and speakers are framed on building on the momentum of current global, national and provincial campaigns/initiatives that engage individuals, communities and government to become part of the solution and the active role they can play.



The program included the following experts in the field who spoke on key issues related to the rights of older persons, ageism and abuse prevention.


Ashton Applewhite, Author, Anti-ageism Activist, and Journalist,  Opening Keynote Speaker
“Let’s end Ageism – and Elder Abuse”

Laura Tamblyn Watts, President & CEO
Facilitated Fireside Chat with Ashton Applewhite 

Marie Beaulieu, Ph. D., MSRC/FRSC, Co-Director, WHO Collaborative Centre, Age Friendly Communities/Elder Abuse Chairholder, Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults
Elder abuse as a Global Priority: Looking at Some WHO and UN Contemporary Activities

Margaret Gillis, President, International Longevity Centre Canada
Human Rights Denied: The Need for a United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Older Persons in the 2020’s

Dr. Kiran Rabheru, CCFP, FCFP, DABP
Full Professor of Psychiatry, University of Ottawa and Geriatric Psychiatrist at The Ottawa Hospital
Canadians Against Ageism

Margaret MacPherson
Research Associate, Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, Western University

Benedicte Schoepflin
Executive Director, Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (CNPEA)
Future Us: A Road Map to the Prevention of Elder Abuse Pan-Canadian Engagement Strategy

Speaker Presentations

NOTE: Video Recording includes only presentations by Margaret Gillis, Dr. Kiran Rabheru, Margaret MacPherson and Benedicte Schoepflin


Ashton Applewhite – Publications and Resources

facebook.com/ThisChairRocks @thischairrocks


Elder abuse as a Global Priority: Looking at some WHO and UN Contemporary Activities
Dr. Marie Beaulieu

Elder Abuse as a Global Priority


Future Us: A Road Map to the Prevention of Elder Abuse Pan-Canadian Engagement Strategy
Benedicte Schoepflin, Executive Director, CNPEA and Margaret MacPherson, Research Associate, CREVAWC

Website: https://futureus.cnpea.ca


Future Us Road Map