January 31st, 2023
EAPO Annual Virtual Conference Series

Risk Assessment of Older Adults: Practical Tools for Early Detection and Intervention of Elder Abuse

Session:  Elder Abuse and SMHBSS: Implementation of Best Practices

In this session the domains of financial exploitation will be reviewed, illustrating those with case examples. In addition, evidence-based tools for understanding financial exploitation vulnerability risk as well as impaired financial decision-making will be presented, and their use illustrated with case examples. Dr. Lichtenberg draws on his experience of over 300 cases as an expert clinical gero-psychologist in financial capacity matters and through his research on over 2500 older adults.


Peter A. Lichtenberg, Ph.D
ABPP Director Institute of Gerontology and Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute WSU Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology Wayne State University.

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Evidence-based risk assessment tools in the assessment of financial exploitation.