March 22nd, 2023

EAPO Annual Virtual Conference Series, 2023
Elder Abuse Interventions: Reducing Harm & Building Connections

Session: Fostering Safety Across the Lifespan-Increasing Capacity to Support Older Women Experiencing GBV.

Although older women in Ontario often experience increased barriers to accessing supports specific to gender-based violence, there are specific tools, frameworks, and evidence-based resources available to bridge gaps and increase service provider capacity to provide trauma informed support. This workshop will provide an overview of available resources and concrete tools that can assist direct service providers across sectors in supporting older women with experiences of abuse and violence within various types of relationships, including:

· Aging Without Violence “Word to the Wise” factsheets
· Her Brain Chose For Her- a visualization of the neurobiology of trauma
· OAITH Training Courses focused on violence across the lifespan
· Mulberry- a new online directory of gender-based violence supports across Ontario
· Training videos featuring a lifespan approach

This workshop focused on concrete tools that can help increase knowledge and skills when supporting older women experiencing gender-based violence.


Amber Wardell
Learning and Development Coordinator, Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)

Shared Resources and Links

Her Brain Chose For Her- A Tool to Visualize the Neurobiology of Trauma

Mulberry: Gender Based Violence (GBV) Services in Ontario

Ontario Association of Interval and Transitional Housing

OAITH Resources Specific to Older Women

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