CLEO’s Guided Pathway for Responding to Elder Abuse
March 22nd, 2023
EAPO Annual Virtual Conference Series, 2023
Elder Abuse Interventions: Reducing Harm & Building Connections
Session: CLEO’s Guided Pathway for Responding to Elder Abuse
This presentation on CLEO’s Guided Pathway for responding to elder abuse demonstrated how to use this free online tool. The Guided Pathways asks the user a series of questions about their situation, provides information to help answer them, and creates a safety plan and personalized tip-sheet based on their answers.
The pathway helps people learn about elder abuse, create a safety plan to reduce harm, take action against criminal and non-criminal forms of abuse, and find community resources for support. The pathway can be filled out by an older adult experiencing abuse, or by someone concerned about an older adult in their life.
Some of the content may be disturbing. The pathway and presentation provided examples of different types of abuse. Abuse is described in detail, so people can identify it and help prevent it. A demonstration of a sample pathway was presented followed by question period.
Erik Bornmann
Director, Guided Pathways at CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario)
Amelia Berot-Burns, LL.M.
Guided Pathway Project Coordinator & Analyst at CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario)
Clarinha Eberlein
Quality Assurance Analyst, CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario)
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