Reducing Risk & Increasing Support: Risk Future Directions in Dementia Care
As baby boomers continue to age and retire, prevalence of dementia will continue to rise at an alarming rate. Currently, over 260,000 Ontarians live with dementia. As Ontario’s population ages, the number of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia is expected to double within a generation.
The webinar brought together leading experts to provide an insightful discussion on the future of dementia care in Canada. The speakers drew on their experience, learnings and recommendations within their reports: Roadmap Towards aRenewed Ontario Dementia Strategy (Alzheimer Society of Ontario) and Dementiain Canada Cross-Country Report 2022 (CanAge) and drew upon the report NavigatingThe Path Forward For Dementia In Canada (Alzheimer Society Canada), to highlight:
- Prevalence and projections of dementia in Ontario and across the Country.
- Reducing discrimination, stigma and stereotypes, and challenges that come with the onset of dementia
- The impact on the health care system, seniors and family caregivers.
- Understanding of the risk factors for dementia and risk reduction measures that can help delay onset and reduce severity of symptoms, prolonging an individual’s ability to live with dignity at home.
- Proposed equitable solutions to prevent dementia, advance research into therapies and a cure, and improve the quality of life for people with dementia and their caregivers.
- Clarified the path forward to inspire individuals, researchers, health-care providers, funding agencies, and governments to support and work toward programs and policies that promote better brain health.
Encouraging aging in place with appropriate supports and funding programs for those living with dementia can reduce the strenuous emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial burden placed on care partners. With investments in reducing risk factors and increasing support services can also help promote quality care, and aging with respect and dignity.
Speaker: Laura Tamblyn Watts, CEO, CanAge
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Speaker: Cathy Barrick, CEO, Alzheimer Society of Ontario
Email: [email protected]
Download Power Point
Reducing Risk & Increasing Support: Risk Future Directions in Dementia Care
Resources from Webinar
Alzheimer Society of Ontario
Roadmap Towards a Renewed Ontario Dementia Strategy
Navigating the Path Forward for Dementia in Canada: The Landmark Study Report #1
Risk factors for dementia
CBC News Article, Nov 30th, 2022
Alzheimer’s drug slowed cognitive decline overall in trial, but with major side effects for some
A Roadmap to an Age-Inclusive Canada
Dementia in Canada Cross-Country Report 2022 (CanAge)
Alzheimer Society of Ontario
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario