January 31st, 2023
EAPO Annual Virtual Conference Series, 2023

Risk Assessment of Older Adults: Practical Tools for Early Detection and Intervention of Elder Abuse

Session: HOPE for the risk assessment and management of older adult abuse

The session examined the assessment of risk in cases of older adult abuse (aka elder abuse). The presentation introduced the Harm to Older Persons Evaluation (HOPE) and the empirically supported perpetrator and victim risk factors in the HOPE will be presented in the context of a case study. The use of the risk factors in developing a management plan and determining overall risk was also presented along with some ongoing work in the area.



Dr. Jennifer Storey, HCPC Registered Forensic Psychologist
Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology
Progression Monitoring Lead for PGR
Centre of Research and Education in Forensic Psychology (CORE-FP), School of Psychology
Keynes College, University of Kent


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HOPE for the risk assessment and management of older adult abuse