When Concerned about a Vulnerable Older Adult: Reporting to OGT
November 2nd, 2023
EAPO Annual Virtual Conference Series, 2023
Ethical and Legal Responsibilities: Reporting Elder Abuse
Session: When Concerned about a Vulnerable Older Adult: Reporting to OGT
Description: The speaker provided clarification on the roles and responsibilities of the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee Office when a case of elder abuse and neglect is reported.
Topics discussed included :
* Who can report elder abuse to the PGT
* When and how does the PGT get involved if a person is suspected of being incapable.
* If the PGT chooses not to investigate, what other resources are available?
* If the PGT investigates, how is the investigation carried out?
* What are the PGT’s power in an investigation and what type of evidence is required to initiate a court application for guardianship.
Katherine Ballweg
Counsel, Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, Ministry of the Attorney General
Katherine Ballweg is counsel with the Guardianship Investigation Unit of the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee. In this position she gives advice to Guardianship Investigators and brings applications to court to have the Public Guardian and Trustee appointed as the Guardian of Property and/or Personal Care for incapable individuals who are at adverse risk. Katherine also gives advice to the Public Guardian and Trustee staff who manage incapable individuals property regarding all types of legal matters that arise.
Previously, Katherine was counsel at the Ministry of Labour (as it then was) prosecuting breaches of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and representing the Director of Employment Standards at the Ontario Labour Relations Board. Katherine is based in Toronto.
Session Resources and Website Links: